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“Before the folding rule, the Cane was the principal linear measure for many trades and professions. The first reference to a “cane” being used to determine a measurement appears in the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. It was used in Babylon and Chaldea; among the Assyrians, the Romans, and the Arabs; later on in Italy and in Spain during the 18th century; as well as in Southern France.


 However, the cane’s mathematical value differed according to the country or even according to the city in the same country or region. The best-known canes were from Toulouse and Montpellier in Southern France” ( C. Dike, Cane Curiosa, chapter 26 Measures. Pag 257 )



The eight faces of this measure cane here on display are carved by hand in a single piece of high-quality oak wood, each one of the faces is marked with copper nails and incised lines, one at every centimeter, the other at every ten centimeters on one of the faces we see the workmanship marks in stamped LACAVE METRE block-letters, further we see the letters E, L, J, C, V are visible along the marks, we could see the numbers from 100 to 800. 

With an O.L. 101 centimeters, it starts with a cylindrical iron handle and ends with a 10-centimeter ferrule, both are the original of the piece, and each one is marked with lines every ten centimeters.

For a similar example see 26/7 on page 262 by C. Dike, Cane Curiosa.


Measuring canes could make an interesting collection by itself, as it would require research of ancient measures and trades that have already disappeared. 




Antique Walking Cane Collection Antiker Spazierstock Sammlung Antique Canne Collection Antiek Wandelstok Verzameling Antico Bastone Collezione Античный трость коллекции Baston Antiguo Coleccion


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